480-999-4884 info@myventurecpa.com

About Venture CPA

Providing affordable and useful guidance for over 10 years.  
Amy Hoeye - Venture CPA

Who are We?

 “We” is me….I am Amy Hoeye, CPA, tax specialist, real estate investor, student, teacher and entrepreneur.  Venture CPA is my tax strategy and preparation firm, which is focused on year-round communication and strategizing with business owners and real estate investors.   I strongly believe that together, your CPA, bookkeeper, financial advisor and estate planner can help you maximize your tax savings throughout your life.  Therefore, I will work closely with all your advisors and will help you find the right advisors to fit your needs, if needed.  My desire is to be part of your knowledgeable “advisory team” and create a relationship that will help you be successful.  

I grew up in Rapid City, South Dakota, lived in Littleton, Colorado for 12 years and moved to Chandler, Arizona in 2018.  I’ve been self-employed since 2011 and in 2019, the former Hoeye & Associates became Venture CPA, a firm focused on supporting the financial wellness of your business venture.  

Check out the CPA Services page and let me help you propel your business to success!

Amy Hoeye - Gilbert CPA


Follow the Golden Rule

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” Matthew 7:12. We treat our clients the way we would want to be treated…. Kindness, no judgment and effective guidance.

Year-Round Trusted Advisors

Your Venture CPA offers monthly service packages that will provide you with business support and financial guidance all year long. No surprise bills, just one affordable monthly fee.

Support Through Education

We are committed to helping you understand your business. Having the numbers is not enough. You should​ know your numbers.

Supporting the financial wellness of your business venture.